Wednesday, October 28, 2009
"Tech Camp Unleashes Creativity and Collaboration" By: Joe Bardin
I think that this Tech Camp is a great idea! I could learn so many new lesson plans just from spending a week at this camp. With its hands on activities and exercises every teacher should be able to learn these technologies. Arizona has the right motivation behind this camp, in that they are making the students the number one priority again. I think that every state in the U.S. should have a program like Tech Camp in Arizona. I will be definitely going on the website for this camp so that I can learn the new technology that these Arizona teachers are learning as well. The website is
Friday, October 23, 2009
"Build Your Own Board Bright" by: Keith Vallis and Peter Williamson
I am in love with this idea of interactive whiteboards!! I saw this article and said to myself, "WOW!!! It is about time that someone thought of this idea of interactive whiteboards!" I am so amazed that the companies who are putting this product out has thought about everything that goes on in a classroom and has incorporated it into a small portable device. I will defiantly want to get this set up for my classroom and for my school. I know that elementary students can really benefit from this type of technology, and learn a lot. Reading this article had given me so many ideas about how I could use the brightboards in my classroom, that I am so excited to try out once I have my own class. What a great idea to have and share throughout the world!!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Lose the Wires? by: Laurence Goldberg
I think that this is a great way to show that technology is not only affordable now but practical. School district may be old and stuck in the "stone age" but they are slowly becoming aware of what is going on in the world. I have recently been in a classroom where they have mobile devices that come and students can play with. They are the i-pod touch, and each student has an assigned number to one of them. The i-pod touch set comes on a cart with foam around each device and a charger so that when the student is finished they just plug it back in. The cool thing is that students can read books, play spelling word games, etc on these devices. I thought WOW!! this school is not old and crashing in the technology department at all! I believe if more schools were like this one then students and teachers would be excited to learn.
Friday, October 9, 2009
"Passport to Digital Citizenship" by: Mike Ribble
I love this idea so much! I can definitely use the nine elements and four stages in my classroom. Having my students maybe doing a project that demonstrates one of the nine elements can be a way for them to get their "feet wet" in the technology world. The four stage cycle is also a great tool to teach students and then they can go out and teach their parents and community for a better understanding of the use of technology. In the near future I would like to buy and read the book that Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey made. I think that this book can be really useful in the classroom. Overall this is a great idea and these methods are really trying to get teachers and parents to look at what students are doing with the technology, and what they are doing with it as well.
Friday, October 2, 2009
"Bridging the Gap" by: Don Hall
I think that this is such a great idea! Having th whole community come together to help out the schools in this district is really wonderful to see. This type of community togetherness is what all school districts want to see. I believe that every school district not only in California but in the country can do what this school district is doing; we will not have anymore at-risk students again! Every student will have access to a computer or some sort of technology that can further their careers in school. One day I hope to see this, but it takes time for new ideas to catch on in today's school districts. The future is bright and technology is becoming a big deal in updating schools.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
5 Steps to Responsible E-waste Management at Your School By: Caprice Lawless
I thought that this article was a good way to see what is going on worldwide with recycling. At my work, Staples, we have a program that lets customers bring in their old monitors (free of charge), laptops, printers, speakers, mice, keyboards ($10 each), cell phones, batteries, and toner cartage's (free). I love how my work is helping the environment, and customers like it too. We get a ton of toner cartage's daily, as well as old printers. In my classroom I would set up a recycling bin for used paper, soda cans, and plastics that my students might have. Also, I would want to set up some sort of program where they can bring in their old ink cartage's to me and receive either extra credit or a small prize. I would then take the ink cartage's to a company like Staples and recycle them. At my work we have a Teachers Rewards program that lets teacher recycle 10 ink cartage's a month and receive $3 back on their rewards check. I would take my rewards check that I received for that month and use that to buy school supplies for my classroom as well as my students. I see it as a win-win situation. The students get extra credit or a prize for recycling and then I get supplies for them to use in the classroom. I think that showing students that recycling is fun that they will teach their parents and then they will start recycling at home. My ultimate goal is to be the best teacher I can be and giving my students the knowledge that they will need to make their futures brighter.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Virtual School By: Niki Davis and Dale S. Niederhauser
This is an excellent idea for transforming the school and education system. The resources that teachers could use would be limitless in the classroom. I plan on using technology devices in my future classroom. Web cams are relatively inexpensive now a days and every student could afford to invest in one. Enhancing my future students knowledge about technology is a priority that I am making for my classroom. This is an excellent way to expose students to what the technology world can bring into their lives. Of course this would have to be approved my the school and district, but this is a great opportunity for the students.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Creating Tech Wizards" by: Beth Breiner
I would use this technique in my classroom all of the time. This is such a great and interesting way to get students involved in technology. Having students teach other students and teachers is a great way for everyone to learn. Teachers learn new and exciting things from their students all of the time, why can it not be about technology. I believe that if this program were to be established in the San Diego school districts everyone would benefit from the programs educational ideas. I know that if I was a sixth or seventh grader I would definitely want to take this class and learn new things about the computer and how to use different applications on the computer. Especially how computers are in our everyday lives, knowing how to operate this technology will further launch education in the years to come. All in all The Technology Wizards program may start a trend that will overcome the rest of the countries school districts and facilitate a new way of teaching and learning for students.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Online chatting for schools
"Chatting It Up Online" by Pamela Livingston
In this article Mrs. Livingston, a third grade teacher at an all boys school at Chestnut Hill Academy, organized a live video chat with an author that her class was reading at the time. The author was Mary Pope Osborne who wrote the Magic Treehouse series. The chat was through Random House Children's Media Group and Talk City, Inc. Mrs. Livingston and other third and second grade teachers jumped at this opportunity and signed up for The classes submitted questions that were interesting and relevant to the author. The teachers overlooked the questions and submitted them to the company. Heavy planning before the chat happened to make sure the school and technical equipment worked together so nothing would interrupt the chat while it was going on. As aspects everything went great and the Internet chat was a huge success for the teachers and students. Teachers found that the chat was much more satisfying to the students than traditional writing a letter to the author and then waiting four months for a response. This way the students can see the person in real time and have their questions answered in a much more timely manner. With this experiment so successful this school and others will start finding new ways for their students to come interested in reading. this interesting way to enhance students' reading.
In my classroom students will have the opportunity as these boys did to have internet chats with authors and famous peolpe who are willing to talk to studnets. Having learned the material first studnets can understand the information more clearly when going into a internet chat. Doing the lesson plan before hand will give my students the upper hand and gain more knowledge than studnets who do not. Having this type of technology in the classroom students can find ways they might learn better than with traditional teaching techniques. Helping others to gain this knowledge is also a great trait to have in a students' character. Also, parents of my students will be very happy and pleased that their son or daughter is having such a unique and interesting experience at school. Some parents might want to find other ways through technology to enhance their child's performance which makes them a better student and ultimately a better person.
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